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  • Writer's picture Sharon Kenny-Blanchard

White as sheep: my journey toward Principled Leadership (navigating wolves in sheep's clothing)

You know, you don’t always know, you can never really tell, but there is something within you that you should never ignore, those nagging murmurings that tell you something is wrong, not quite right, to stay away, don’t look back, just keep looking forward. I’ve done this twice and didn’t look back even though it still tugs at my heart, I know that the Lord was guiding me each and every step of the way. I’m talking about the experiences of my life, and in particular, within this context, my professional career.

I didn’t always think this way; the faith didn't always guide my pathway. Back then, my world was all about my family and me, but really, when I am honest with myself. It was really about me. I wanted more; the career, title, more money, prestige. The honor. I wanted people to look at me and say, “Wow. She’s so successful”. I left a fantastic job once because I wanted more money and a greater title. I look back on this job now and think, “Wow, I was doing great work, respected by my colleagues, a leader in my field, and now, I wish I had never left that position. But do I? No. Not really (not that I don’t long for those days – the folks I worked with back then were the best, absolutely fantastic), but if I hadn’t walked that journey and experienced what I did, I don’t believe that I would be where I am now…my journey may never have led me to seek out the things I value in life and how I choose to spend at least eight to ten hours a day, with my colleagues at work. I believe that I desired so much to have honesty and respect in my work environment, to be the person I desired to be – the best version of myself. I wanted to be that person so bad, and to surround myself with the same type of people. Instead, I did a doctorate in principled leadership – which has led me to a heart-willed desire to share this with the world. To be a principled leader that is grounded in love, guided by a gentle, loving God (spiritual), and firm in who I am as a woman, in my identity, and because of this, able to be completely authentic in all that I think, say, and do.

I prayed every day yearning that the Lord would help me in every moment of my work. I yearned for the truth to be heard in those boardrooms, for the respect to be given to those deserving, and to experience integrity. It came. In subtleties, and there were true gems in the form of friends, whom I encountered along the way for which I am grateful (and you know who you are!). I have a firm belief that we are dealt challenging experiences, where we need to go into the fire and they make us stronger. It took some time to heal, strengthen, and grow in wisdom for enlightenment. It was worth it.

This blog isn’t meant to only provide a reflection on the past, but gives the past its place in my journey as a means of moving forward in providing a light for others through a principled- leadership approach. I'd love your feedback. Blessings upon blessings to you.


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