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Give your leadership skills a contemporary edge

find yourself (again)


Leadership: Inextricably tied to Identity

You're already a recognised and appreciated leader. That's a given. Yet, just as times are changing, leadership ideas are evolving. Now's the time to equip yourself with the latest cutting-edge concepts. Improve the performance of your team. Lift the effectiveness of your own style.

How? Principled leadership is fundamentally about finding out who you are as a leader and understanding how this impacts the people around you. To help you bring the best version of yourself to everything you do. 

With a limited group of 8 participants, you will broaden and deepen your leadership capability through a collaborative learning environment and discernment of leadership theory. Be prepared to be challenged physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Nestled in the southern alps, our environment creates open space enabling exploration and inspiration, just what you need to ignite your authentic self.





September 4-7

September 18-21




$4250 +gst. 
per person 


Imagine this
You’re a confident, courageous, compassionate and successful leader. 
But you’re worn down. It's been a tough year, the steam to motivate and empower the team, keep the engine 
moving, is just not there. 


Now, think about this...
A refresh, time to reaffirm your leadership identity. 
To rediscover what guides your leadership approach. 


Principled leadership
Involves an understanding of self; how you identify as leader, integrating your core values and beliefs into your 
leadership practice so that you bring an authentic, consistent, and balanced perspective to your leadership approach. 
One that underscores your everyday decision-making. 


The Retreat 
The retreat is designed to challenge your leadership identity and provide the opportunity to fully embrace 
who you are in your leadership approach. 
New Zealand's Aoraki Mt Cook National Park provides the perfect environment. 

Retreat Facilitator ~ Dr. Sharon Kenny-Blanchard
Dr. Sharon Kenny-Blanchard has worked in senior leadership roles in the public and private sector for the past 30 years encompassing international education, recruitment, enrolment management, institutional communications, governance, innovation, and entrepreneurship.


Sharon resides in New Zealand continuing to participate in post-doctoral research in leadership development. She is a current member of the Institute of Directors (IOD), Women on Boards New Zealand, owns two businesses,  Chair, Board of Directors, Twizel Promotions & Development Association, Director, Board of Trustees, Twizel Area School, and a business mentor with Mentorship New Zealand.


Read more about Sharon >>


Retreat Overview


Introduction to Principled Leadership
A Journey of discovering self/embracing self as leader. What is your inner compass?
• 3:00-5:00 Welcome & Introductions
• 6:00 pm Dinner 


21st Century Authentic Leadership
Moving beyond authentic leadership. What does it mean to be an authentic leader? 
• 7:30 am Team Breakfast
• 9:00 am Leadership insights | Team Work
• 12:30-4:30 pm Heli-hike | Guided tour & picnic lunch
• 6:00 pm Dinner & Night Sky Tour 


Guiding Others
Remaining steadfast in self as leader. How to move forward steadfast in who you are as a leader, while remaining true to your core values and beliefs. How do I enable others to be the best they can be in their role?
• 7:00 am Breakfast
• 8:00 am Leadership: small group work
• 2:00-5:00 pm A2O cycle tour & picnic lunch
• 6:00 pm Dinner
• 7:00 pm Wine Tasting/Ostler Wines 


Courage to lead
Guiding through the waves of leadership. How do I courageously embrace change, transitions, and challenging situations?
• 7:00 am Team Breakfast
• 8:00 am Polar Splash
• 9:00 am-12:00 pm The Courage to Lead
• 12:00 pm-2:00 pm Lunch & Wrap-up 

Retreat Guests will experience the following;

Heli-hike: a heli-lift to an Alpine Peak for a gourmet picnic lunch, 
adventure along the Ben Ohau landscape, and hike with local guide


Three-hour cycle ride along the Alps to Ocean cycle trail

(includes a gourmet picnic lunch along the trail)

Two-hour Night Sky Tour with our host, Mike Bacchus

Rustic dinner on the beach with Chef Stefan; an outdoor learn-to-cook salmon experience


Polar Splash to awaken the body and nourish the soul.



Accommodation: If guests prefer to stay on before or after the retreat, please contact the lodge directly.


Dietary Integrations: The lodge will make every effort to integrate dietary needs and restrictions. Make sure to complete your registration form so that we can be prepared to serve you in this regard.

Cognitive | Physical requirements: We understand the importance of ensuring your time with us integrates all of your personal requirements. 
Please let us know if you require assistance or support with either cognitive or physical assistance.


Arrival: Plan to arrive in plenty of time to get checked in and comfortable. We begin our retreat promptly at 3:00 pm on the first day.

Other Services: Massage therapy will be available for guests outside of retreat time frame. Contact the lodge directly for a booking. 

Our Hosts

Anna & Mike Bacchus, owners of Lakestone Lodge, will be our gracious hosts for the retreat. 

Their warm, friendly, and professional approach creates the perfect environment for leadership exploration and development. 

Mike and Anna along with their two young daughters made Twizel their home in 2014. Their love for the dramatic & rugged outdoors along with a passion for hiking, snowboarding and mountain biking is their inspiration for the lodge & living 
alongside Lake Pukaki. 

For more information about the lodge, check their website: 




Spaces are limited.
Fill in the form below to apply for a space on one of our retreats. Once we receive your form, we will get back to you to confirm your registration, along with payment details. 

Retreat Registration 

Thanks for registering, we will get back to you soon with more details.

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